Saturday, April 6, 2019

Music Lessons

One on One: In person and Online

Having taught thousands of lessons and coached hundreds of ensembles I have amassed a certain fluency in communicating a knowledge in music. I have spent the past 20 years teaching mostly cello lessons in which my students learn to proficiently practice by themselves and acquire the tools necessary to excel. They regularly exhibit technical and musical proficiency.

It is now my great pleasure and with much excitement to announce to the whole world that I am accepting students who wish to learn cello (also taking violin students). Just as I worked up to better skills through the tutelage of my teachers I look forward to helping many students improve to a higher level.

Let's begin a journey together in which I will guide you through all the twists and turns of challenging technique used to serve our end, musical mastery.

When you are ready to begin this musical journey please don't hesitate to contact me.

The following book really got me turned on to self-learning again . But also onto getting some outside help. Check it out!

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